Monday, June 12, 2023

✨History and Culture🎁

 We, Homo-sapiens, have a lot of history, most of which we don't know, and if we do, we deny it or say it's just stories. We've gone a long way, believe me. Even if most people don't care, some people go through history and remind us of ourselves. They explore thoroughly into our origins, civilizations, cultures, and traditions. People, however, do not take them seriously. Anthropologists, for example, have numerous challenges, and some become lost in their pursuit of the wonderful past of Homo-sapiens (Humans). They have knowledge of our origins, cultures, languages, and other things.

Please do not assume that I'm bringing up random issues with no connection. Read till the end and then decide.

What are your thoughts on human evolution? Did Man evolve from an ape? If so, why aren't today's apes turning into humans? If not, what exactly is the truth? How did we come into being? Some believe that God created Man and permitted him to procreate with the help of another being, a Woman. Different religions define our existence in various ways. So, what really is the truth? Or did we emerge from the water? Perhaps the initial cell originated in a body of water and developed into multicellular structures. Perhaps not.

How can we get to the bottom of this? We have to study about this topic, have discussions, debates once in a while. It will help I think. The more we deny our history and culture, the more retrograde we think.

History is who we are and why we are the we are.

                                                                - David McCullough

There are a lot many stories of great people who changed the world, who tried to change the world and failed and who died in the process. All these should not be thought as a fool's errand. Those stories will happen once in a blue moon.  Those are far too valuable to refuse.

When it comes to culture, do we really abandon it when we relocate or go to a new country? The answer is unequivocally NO. Our culture is what defines us. We cannot and should not believe that it is OK to abandon established practices and customs. What does it say about us if we abandon them? And no one has the authority to tell us what culture we should and should not follow. We must be proud of our culture wherever we go.

      Culture id the widening of the mind and of the spirit.

                                                             - Jawaharlal Nehru

When viewed independently, these issues may appear to have no link at all. Nevertheless, attempt to shift your perspective and see them as a single thing. Then you will understand the truth.

Who do you believe started following the cultures that we reject? Our Ancestors from the past, whose stories were written on the history pages that we ignore. If we don't make an effort to understand our own past, God help us, the next generation will be far worse in everything.

The culture into which we were born is the most precious gift one can receive on the day he was born. So, embrace it. I believe it will only bring good into the world.

As a concerned human being and a global citizen, I implore you to begin learning about our history. Do your duty and help others in doing theirs.

Thank you!!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Who is GOD to you?

 Disclaimer: Some people or groups may find the following ideas and sentences offensive and I want to tell all the readers that it is not my intention to hurt anybody in anyway. Please understand. In this post I may address some ideologies and practices that were followed in the past and are being followed by some people even in today's scenario.

Let's start. Shall we?

Where is GOD? Actually, How do you define GOD? Well, if you ask me, I would say that GOD is the light in our darkness. GOD is the entity on which all the creation depends on. GOD gave us many things. We should really be grateful to GOD.

Here I am using the noun GOD always because, GOD is not someone or something who have gender, GOD is not something we can actually imagine. No one has seen GOD, well in present days anyway..... Then you may ask me how I was able to define the name GOD. Let me clarify some things for you here...

In this modern era, many people or let's say groups... are Atheists. They don't really believe in GOD or even the ideology of GOD. They only believe in Logic. They want some kind of proof in order to believe in anything... Then how can we Theists make them believe in something that cannot be proven? Let's not get into that topic now. We will see it later.

Let's concentrate on what some of us believe. If we take a look at the statistics about believers and non believers across the world, we can see that most of the world's population believe in GOD local to their region or they follow an ideology or whatever they like to believe in. That's not the problem actually. We have the freedom to follow any religion that we want.

But let's face the truth here, in the past 40 to 30 decades, how many murders or any other crime took place because of religion? Bear with me here... Why do you think those inhumane actions took place? In my point of view, I have to say that the people who had the audacity to do such things were unable to understand the basic concept of GOD or Godliness. What do you say? I am not insulting anyone. I am just sharing my thoughts here.

I haven't really had the privilege to read and understand all the religious books across the world, but I believe that in any religion there is a common thing that GOD has created the Mankind and gave them the ability to think and act and that we are answerable to all the things that we do. We define our own fate. And GOD is the owner of all creation. Not some individual or an earthly entity.

We have many religions across the world that are thriving for tens of thousands of years and some religions which are mostly ideologies, that are still trying to come out to this harsh world. 
All this aside, we should think about one thing though, if there are different GODS across the world, how come all the humans are built same? Why aren't some built differently? I mean we all bleed the same blood, some don't bleed diamonds, some don't bleed other precious items. We are built almost equally besides some physical and mental differences. If this is the case, why can't we accept all the religions? Why don't we believe in the truth that "All GODS are one and there is only one entity with different forms so that it would be easy for us to concentrate while we are offering our prayers. That if the thing we are concentrating has the form that we like and that represent what we believe in."

Why are we not thinking like this? Is there a problem with GOD because GOD decided to have many forms or is there a problem with us for thinking that there is only our GOD and others' GOD is a false GOD?

As I have asked earlier, Where is GOD? How can we say for sure that there is some divine power that is standing behind us and helping us to act? How sure are we that there was and there will be a GOD before this life and after this life?

Answers to these questions are, my friend, that GOD is within us. GOD is there within us when we are helping someone. GOD is there when we are selfless and GOD is there when we are at our lowest point to help us up. GOD is there in all of us irrespective of what we believe, irrespective of what we do, irrespective of what we believe in. GOD doesn't leave the non believers, we are all same for the Almighty irrespective of our deeds.

When we think like this, there will be no force conversions, conversions at gunpoint, there will be no wars waged based on religion. For our sake and for our children's sake, we have to believe that "THE WORLD IS ONE FAMILY".


Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

Friday, May 26, 2023

Just How Human are we?

Are people, in your opinion, sufficiently human? Do you believe that we deserve every advancement we make in technology or other fields? Do you believe that we deserve all of the wonderful things that have occurred in the past or could occur in the future? Do you believe that everyone has the opportunity to live a rich life?
All of us must first consider these questions before acting in any way.

We indulge in whatever we can without considering the negative consequences. We think it is cool to smoke, drink, and do drugs, among other things. In the name of development, we take advantage of our environment. We fight wars with the helpless. What if they attack us where we are most vulnerable? Do we ever contemplate that? Do we ever consider the effects of our irrational decisions? Are we really advanced? Does progress ever halt? Always, "no" is the response.

We thrive at the expense of others. The things we seek are not constrained in any way. When we accomplish one goal, we attempt another or pursue another desire. Do we support the success of the natural world and one another? No. Most people focus on themselves while thinking about achievement. To be successful, we lie, cheat, steal, and commit many other crimes. Everything is taken for granted by us. Birds served as our inspiration for developing airborne vehicles, and we also appropriated animal skins for clothes and ornamentation. Even so, we believe we are independent. We are literally dependent on everything in nature. Although we can think and act differently than other animals, we still behave like them.

Is it worth it, though? Is it OK to commit awful things to other people, our environment, and mother nature? What good is success if it doesn't serve society as a whole, if it doesn't help those who can't help themselves, if it doesn't alter basic human nature? We consider winning wars, and slaughtering people, animals is a privilege. In the name of development, we consider it a privilege to destroy the environment.

Making money, disobeying the law, and ignoring our predecessors are all considered signs of modern civilization. Are we rational beings? Don't we owe it to future generations to improve the world? Are we improving conditions for the coming generations? Because we are not. Everyone believes that someone will act, that someone will take action in the direction of change. What if nobody makes that first move? What happens if we allow everything to go wrong? We can't allow it to happen.

We must support one another and share our experiences, views, accomplishments, and disappointments. Our triumphs are described by our mistakes. Before making any decision, even one on a little matter, we must consider all positive and negative outcomes. Every statement we make, every deed we do, and every choice we make should be held accountable. Not just the individual, but also society as a whole, needs to be taught how to succeed.

How many of you can genuinely state, from the bottom of your hearts, that we are enough human to be able to influence society? Just think about it.......

✨History and Culture🎁

 We, Homo-sapiens, have a lot of history, most of which we don't know, and if we do, we deny it or say it's just stories. We've ...